The Two Words Every Investor Wants To Hear

What are the two words every investor wants to hear?


Many of you may think that word is “price surge” or “positive growth” or even “price spike” – but that wouldn’t be the word that gets investors excited.


Don’t get me wrong – if you’ve already secured a position in a stock and you hear any of these words – you’re probably happy as a clam at high tide.


But what happens if you HAVEN’T secured the stock yet?

What two words would you like to hear that would give you a chance at making some easy profits?
Give up? Well, I’ll tell you two of MY favorite words to hear…


“Buyout offer.”


Ahhhhh, the buyout…


One of the investing world’s biggest cash plays. It seems with buyouts – everybody’s making money. The seller? They’re getting paid handsomely for their company. The buyer? Many companies often experience a nice price spike when they announce that they’re buying (or offering to buy) another company…


And the investors on each side tend to make a lot of money – either by getting paid above current price points for their shares or given shares in the new company, while the shareholders of the purchasing company get to experience a price spike that they could either sell some to make some profit – or hold and hopefully their company pays dividends.


Either way – buyouts tend to be win/win situations.




A buyout offer is great for those without a position in a stock – because if we act fast – we can make some of the easiest money the markets provide.


For example, let’s talk Whole Foods (WFM).


Whole Foods has built a name in the health and organic grocery market – in fact – it’s not too unbelievable to call them THE name in that industry…


Which is why Wall Street went BONKERS when they learned about Amazon’s (AMZN) gigantic offer to buy the grocery chain for a whopping $13.7 billion.


Many experts have agreed that when the ink is finally dry on the paper, shares go could about 34% above what they’re going for now.


34% isn’t anything to sneeze at, but…


This could be just the beginning.


This purchase announcement isn’t finalized yet – there are a lot of hurdle’s that need to be cleared before Amazon can take the keys from Whole Foods…


That being said, this is leaving Whole Foods open to two of my OTHER favorite words in the investing world…


Bidding war!


Could a bidding war erupt over Whole Foods?




In fact, Barclays actually thinks it’s more than a possibility, as they believe that while very few companies out there have the means to outbid Amazon, they do have the means to put a lot of bumps in the road.


One of the companies that COULD throw a monkey wrench in the whole shebang is Walmart (WMT).


Walmart has been at war with Amazon – even though the rest of the retail world hardly seems to notice.


Walmart fired the opening salvo by buying one of Amazon’s direct competitors, – and brought on the company’s successful CEO to run the entire division.


Apparently Amazon noticed too, and their return fire just happens to be the purchase of the biggest health and organic grocery chain in the country.


This is a direct attack on Walmart.


Amazon may rule the internet, but Walmart rules in-person retail – and if Amazon can start competing in the brick and mortar stores – this could be the beginning of something very big.


Imagine if Whole Foods had an area for Amazon pick ups? Order now, pick up later – this could be the game-changer the investing world has been waiting for.


And we’re here to witness it.


Luckily for my GorillaTrades suscribers, if either of these companies are primed – they’ll be the first to know when the best time to get in will be.


If you’d like to find out when that time could be – I encourage you to joinGorillaTrades at your earliest convenience..


I’ve helped people make all kinds of money – and you could be the next to profit.

But even if you’d rather just go at it alone – you should start looking at either one of these companies – they could be on the verge of making you a LOT of money.


The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy’s not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable.” – Sun Tzu