The Most Hidden Big Business Of All Time!

Man… what a time to be in tech, huh?

So many buyouts happening that it’s almost hard to keep track of which company is buying which!

Blood is definitely in the water…

And it’s only a matter of time till the circling sharks start moving in for the kill.

For the savvy investor – now isn’t the time to watch from the safety of the shore – it’s the time to take advantage of the feeding frenzy that could soon put easy and FAST $$$ in your pocket.

It’s been an incredible year in tech so far, punctuated earlier this summer when Verizon won the bidding war over internet staple, – getting the former web giant at a steal of just $4.8 Billion dollars.

Of course, with Yahoo’s current hacker breach – Verizon may have wished they spent a little less on the sticker price and shored their legal fund instead.

But that’s OLD news…

We can’t make any money on something that’s already come to pass. But… we can be on the next buyout train that leaves the station – and all signs point to this buyout happening very VERY soon.

Twitter may not be your cup of tea…

You may not have ever sent one tweet – you may not have the app on your phone – you may not even know what a tweet is…

But, as an investor – you’re going to want to know a lot about Twitter – because if you play your cards right, the buyout of this company could quickly make you a LOT of money.

With a potential buyers list that includes Google, AT&T, Verizon, Disney and Microsoft – a bidding war isn’t out of the question.

There’s only one hurdle between us and a boatload of cash…


The suits and pencil pushers that make Wall Street work have thrown a monkey wrench into the works by claiming that Twitter, whose current valuation of around $16.5 Billion and share prices at around $23, is over priced on the value-to-profitability scale…

By 16 times!

A closer, more natural value-to-profitability price would be closer to $15 a share or about 9.5 times the scale value.

There is a twist, however…

Twitter doesn’t want to sell for $15 a share… or even $23 a share!


Twitter wants to sell at $25 Billion – or about $35 a share!!!

That’s either going to be the hardest sell ever…

Or if they stick to their guns – shareholders could make a fast 52% gain the moment the sale goes through!

I’ll be keeping my eye on this development over the next few weeks – and if I feel that it’s the appropriate time for my GorillaTrades subscribers to pull the trigger (or even IF to pull the trigger) – I’ll let them know exactly when to do it, to hopefully get a chance at the max amount of potential profits.

If you’d like to be there for the next potentially explosive stock pick – please consider joining the team…

If not – do yourself a favor and start your own due diligence on what could be a FAST moneymaker for those that get in early.

It is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be.” – Isaac Asimov