Breaking the Wall Street Code

Have you ever read the book The Da Vinci Code?


If not, maybe you’ve seen the movie. Either way, it’s a fascinating story in which the characters have to solve puzzles and riddles in order to move closer and closer to the truth.


The code was always there to be solved – it just took time, patience, and a lot of savvy in order to do so.


But isn’t that the way we solve most problems in life?


Most people spend too much time contemplating the problem, and not enough time brainstorming for the solution…


And the investment markets aren’t any different.


People tend to worry too much about the problems of investing rather than figuring out the best ways to do it…


And I don’t blame them! There’s a lot of things that can go wrong when trying to make money through stocks – it’s a mine field full of problems that could blow your whole world apart with one tiny misstep.


Being in the business as long as I have, I’ve seen it all…


Even more, I’ve seen missteps taken by some of the biggest names in the business! Legendary names like Warren Buffett, George Soros or Carl Ichan – have all made mistakes.




Because they’re human.


Humans have a tendency to sometimes ignore warning signs or red flags…


They also have a tendency to second guess themselves. To hesitate when they know they have a good shot – sometimes we think, “maybe it’s TOO good”…


That if something looks too good to be true – that maybe it is. So we stay away – only to find out later that we missed one of the biggest investment opportunities of our lives.


And THAT is what makes the market such a tough nut to crack…


It’s not the market that’s the problem, it’s us.


Because the market is pure. Pure in the sense that, for the most part, the market grows and shrinks organically.


Sure, I understand that stocks and certain industries can be manipulated – but it takes something catastrophic to shift the entire investment world – so in the natural sense of the term, yes – the markets are pure.




Just like anything in nature – regardless of whether we notice or not – there are patterns.


In everything there are patterns – whether it’s a certain formation, the Fibonacci sequence, or fractals – there’s something there if we look hard enough… and the market is no different.


Once you see the pattern and recognize where that pattern is leading – that’s when you can begin to accurately predict certain outcomes.


Now, these predictions aren’t always failsafe…


Like all things in nature, there are small differences and aberrations – so nothing is 100% certain – but that doesn’t mean we can’t get very close.


I had to keep this in mind when I was formulating the GorillaTrades system.

I knew nothing is infallible – that no matter how good my system would be – that I would inevitably end up with a few lame ducks…


But who doesn’t?


I would be extremely wary of anybody who says they’ve got a 100% accuracy record, simply for the fact that they’re lying to you.


Nobody has a 100% win rate…


However, I knew that if I could get close – closer than almost any other trading system I’ve come across – that I could record winning picks at an incredible rate.


And I believe the GorillaTrades system has done exactly that.


The GT trading matrix is both complex and simple at the same time…


Complex for me, as I have to make sure each and every pick hits the specific technical requirements of the system – and let me tell you – the market doesn’t have an abundance of the type of picks I’m looking for.


Like searching for a needle in a stack of needles… a specific needle that I know can get the job done.


But at the same time, I make the GorillaTrades system simple for my subscribers.


Their job is easy: simply open the email and follow the price point triggers, set a stop loss, sit back and maybe smoke a stogie or enjoy that first cup of coffee.


See? Simple…


And you can see that for yourself if you would consider becoming a subscriber to GorillaTrades.




I understand that GT isn’t for everybody – if this isn’t for you, no worries – we’re just happy you enjoy our content.


If I could impart one final piece of advice: do yourself a favor, try looking very closely at the stocks themselves – don’t worry about underwriters, earnings, or their market cap – instead, just study a few charts and see if you can’t find a pattern…


I’d bet my bottom dollar you’ll be surprised at what you find.


I’m a student of patterns. At heart, I’m a physicist. I look at everything in my life as trying to find the single equation, the theory of everything.” – Will Smith