It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over

Whether you’re ready for it or not, there’s one thing that every investor needs to embrace if they’re going to reach any level of success in today’s markets and that is this…


You have to KNOW that we’re living in a new era, the Digital Age, and we can no longer rely on the ways of the past if we want to move into the future.


Now, you may be asking yourself, “What does that mean? I know that we’re living in a time of wonderful technology! I can make trades from my smartphone while in the car or on a plane bound for Vegas!


And yes, while that is true, that’s not what I mean…


Most people can accept that that there are new ways of doing things. They can embrace technology like tablets and smartphones and trading apps and cryptocurrencies…


What they cannot accept is that their old ways of finding a choosing winning stocks have gone the way of the Dodo – even if they are achieving some modicum of success.


No, there’s a new way of “making it” in today’s economic landscape – and some of the biggest investment firms in the world are jumping on it in droves…


Shouldn’t you at least consider it?


Of course you should – and if you’re still reading this you’re probably intrigued as to what this “new way” is. Well…


What if I told you that making money in today’s market was as easy as pushing a button? Would you push it? Or would you buck this new tangled technology for what you’ve always done?


Just realize… that if that’s the attitude you always took – you’d still be calling your broker every time you wanted to make a trade – and who wants to pay exorbitant fees for a job we can easily do ourselves with just…


A push of a button.


What is this “secret” new way to make money? Well, it’s not that new – but it’s become more effective than you have probably realized…


It’s artificial intelligence – or AI.


Or, to give it a less sophisticated name: robots.


These stock-picking computers are already making a killing, which is why so many large funds are turning their backs on human stock pickers and allowing the programming of AI to do the work for them.


These systems take everything into account: yield curves, trading trends, pricing data, geopolitical events, and so much more…


They go into their programmed trading matrix and the computer makes recommendations based on the cold hard data that the entire world is privy to.


And as I said, the biggest hedge fund companies in the world are embracing it to generate better returns for their customers.




Because AI consistently surpasses humans in the power of prediction.


AI is so sophisticated nowadays because it’s constantly learning. Which can be as scary as it is exciting…


I mean, these stockbots can use past and present data like historical returns and/or weather patterns to determine if one stock or bond is likely to outperform another.


It’s really quite amazing…


Another advantage that machines have over humans?


Ego. Or to be more specific – LACK of an ego.


You see, traditional active money managers are more likely to be drawn to the “big names” of the markets – Visa (V), Amazon (AMZN), Google (GOOG), Starbucks (SBUX), etc. – because they want their customers to think they’re doing the “right thing.”


Customers KNOW these names – they feel comfortable with these sturdy pillars of finance – and therefore will keep their money in that fund, and with the firm.


Stockbots don’t care about what you think is “safe and secure.”


Stockbots only have one goal in mind – and that’s to make the largest possible profit possible – so they tend to stay away from the big-name brands and favor the smaller, less-known stocks that have the biggest upside.


It’s just smart business…


Even more, it’s the evolution of the industry – and just like the old adage goes, “Either you adapt… or die.


The downside to the rise of stockbots? Well, a research firm has estimated that in less than 10 years, AI will be responsible for a 10% reduction in the financial services human workforce – by today’s numbers, that’s almost 700,000 people who will have become obsolete in their field.


But again… that’s evolution.


I saw the direction things were moving nearly 20 years ago – which is why I created my own “stockbot” in the GorillaTrades system.


I don’t have a bunch of guys in a room pouring over spreadsheets and almanacs…


We have a programmed trading matrix that takes many of the aspects mentioned above into account and uses that data to make stock picks that have given my subscribers the chance to make a LOT of money over the years.


Now, it’s not 100% foolproof – there have been some hiccups here and there – however that’s going to happen in something as big and organic as the markets.


I say that because I want you to know that I’m not just blowing smoke up your skirt…


But I used the GT trading matrix to turn $250K into more than $5 million – so I know it works.


I’d love to show you exactly how easy it is. Please consider joining GorillaTrades today and you’ll start receiving our “stockbot” picks directly into your inbox with our next recommendation.


Of course, I understand if you’re old school and set in your ways of trading…


I just wanted to let you know that you have the option of having a stockbot at your fingertips.


Of course… the only button you’ll need to push is the “open” email button – but it’s still just a button.


Change is inevitable. Evolution, however, is optional.” ― Tony Robbins