It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over

Some people seem to think that Darwinism, especially his theory of natural selection means that the strongest survive…

But that’s not really an accurate interpretation of Darwin’s theory.

Survival of the fittest doesn’t mean the strongest – otherwise – dinosaurs would still be walking the earth…

No, Darwin’s theory is more about adaptability than anything else.

What about you? Are able to adapt? Can you change your strategies? Or are you stuck in the same old rut, as far as investing goes?

Strength is important – but the ability to adapt to whatever situation arises – is what guarantees the survival of a species…

And that’s as important in the wild world of investing as it is in nature.

The investors who forget this fact end up falling to the wayside – as they forget to adapt to their new surroundings.

Now, you’re probably thinking that I’m talking about trading or investment strategies…

It’s a fair assessment – we are an investment-centric company – so it would make sense for us to talk about strategy….

But you’d be wrong.

No, the type of adaptation I’m talking about really has nothing to do with trading strategies…

Just a shift in your thinking.

Too many times, people get set in their ways…


They think they’ve learned all they need to and there’s no need to keep pouring new information into a head that’s already chock-full of knowledge – as what they know has been getting them buy just fine.

So, they don’t learn anything new…

Don’t try anything new.

But what if I told you trying something new could put a LOT of $$$ in your pocket?


I’m not talking about investment strategies – I’m talking about applying this kind of attitude towards life and I can show you an example.

What do you know about “Baby Yoda”?

For many of you, that question just confused you…

But what if I told you Baby Yoda could be about to put a LOT of money in your pocket? Would you pay attention?

Well, he could…

Baby Yoda is wildly popular character from Disney’s newest Star Wars series, The Mandalorian – and he’s taken the internet, and the world, by storm.

The show was incredibly well received…

And it’s responsible for a HUGE chunk of Disney’s ability to grab a whopping 29 million PAID subscribers to their streaming channel – Disney+ – in just a little over 4 months.

At an average of $5 subscription fee per month…

That’s about $145 million in revenue Disney’s raking in every month just on that alone.

So again, to say the show was popular, would be an understatement.

How popular? Well, November 2019, Baby Yoda had TWICE as many average social media interactions on news stories than almost anybody.

Adults and children alike love this character…

The series, which debuted in October of 2019, was incredibly unprepared for the popularity of this tiny little character – so much so – that they missed out on the Christmas toy buying season altogether.

If they had a little more foresight – both Disney (DIS) and the company that produces their toys, Hasbro (HAS) could have cleaned house.


While they missed the holiday toy season – they’re probably still going to make a lot of money – VERY soon.

Disney recently unveiled its new toy lineup for the franchise at the Star Wars toy showcase in the Big Apple.

The toys ranged from Baby Yoda action figures, dolls, apparel and even LEGO sets – yes, LEGO is still incredibly popular – again, both among kids and some adults.

While Disney has been working with several licensees to bring the merchandise to market…

It’s clear that Hasbro could make a MINT from the much-anticipated release of the Baby Yoda toys – as it holds the licensing rights for the vast majority of Star Wars toys.

The best part?

Hasbro seems to have hit a dip after the world figured out that they didn’t have Baby Yoda toys to sell…

What do you think will happen when the world finds out it DOES?!

THAT is why it’s important to keep your eye on what’s popular in the pop culture world.

It’s important to keep your finger on the pulse of what’s happening because you aren’t always going to have a very nice Gorilla TELLING you where the money is heading…

Even I can miss something (like the whole fidget spinner craze – what was that about?)…

Which is why I lean so heavily on the GorillaTrades system to show me where the best place to invest is likely to be.

The trading matrix finds the right stock at the right time based off hard data – taking the guesswork out of the equation.

Of course, you don’t have to take my word for it – you can always try it yourself by becoming a subscriber today.

If you decide to pass on this offer – we get it…

But that doesn’t change the fact that you should consider dipping your toe in the pop culture current.

You could just find the next big cash COW… or Yoda!


“Adapt yourself to the things among which your lot has been cast and love sincerely the fellow creatures with whom destiny has ordained that you shall live.” – Marcus Aurelius