It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over

Ever since the tech and dotcom boom…

Innovation, creation and ingenuity began to take on more and more of a digital connotation – but even more – it has become the industry that pushes the entire market forward.


Look at the top stocks on any given day – and I’d be willing to wager that at least 85% (if not 90%) are dealing with one of the many arms of the tech industry.

This is the world we live in…

But for some reason, we’ve seen tons of companies in the sector fail and go under, however, the upper echelon is making so much money – it practically pulsates – as the top companies vie for position for king of the mountain.

One stock has been in it almost as long as any of them – and it’s made so much money over the years – that it’s founder and former CEO is one of the wealthiest men to have ever existed.

And if what we’re seeing is correct…

It may only get STRONGER – making it an almost ESSENTIAL buy for any investor.

If you haven’t figured it out by now – the Gorilla is talking about the company that Bill Gates built…

Microsoft (MSFT).

This company just seems to have a gift for making the right moves at the right time – and has consistently been a leader in the computing and software worlds.

You would think that the technology world would have passed it by…

Sort of like it did Xerox and IBM – but it seems that no matter what is going on in the technological climate – Microsoft succeeds while others fall to wayside.

That seems to ALWAYS be the case – however, it seems to be something that’s picking up more NOW. So many companies in the industry are failing – but Bill Gates’ baby continues to shine.

Very few of these companies will ever see the light of day again…

But it’s the few that understand that reinvention is the key – will not only survive – but will THRIVE no matter what happens.

Think about it – could you imagine our world now if Apple (APPL) and Microsoft would have withered on the vine?

It’s all about how a company can look at its current situation as well as prepare for the future of what is to come – and you can only do this by keeping your finger on the pulse of what’s going on now.

Of the few of the surviving pioneers of the industry has been able to do that – Microsoft seems to have done it the longest without ever really losing investors money (the early 90’s were NOT kind to Apple).

And it starts with leadership.

Under CEO Satya Nadella’s leadership, Microsoft made the transition from making hardware and software as a “product” to one that makes hardware and software as a “service.”

Meaning, you don’t buy your software anymore – you rent it for a small monthly price that will garner them much more cash than those old one-time-purchase strategy that had technophiles lined up a day before the new release.

But this new model – basically the streaming of the software you use instead “buying it” – is what protects Microsoft during the harder of times…


Because nobody is going to buy a new $195 program when they can barely buy $195 in groceries…

But $7.95 is a much easier pill to swallow – even if it’s in perpetuity.

They’ve also successfully transitioned into the world of cloud computing – as it has landed the #2 slot in the cloud market – right behind the leader, Amazon (AMZN).

The only thing it doesn’t have its fingers in – is the social media game…

But that could change too.

It seems that Microsoft has found itself in a bidding war with Twitter (TWTR) over the rights of popular video-sharing app, TikTok.

And of the two – only Microsoft truly has the cash to make the purchase.

This is HUGE…

And it’s a perfect example of how Microsoft adapts and overcomes the shortcomings in their business model.

It may be a bust (remember Zune?)…

Or they may take it to the next level – regardless – it shows why betting on MSFT is often the smart move for any investor.

However, to GorillaTrades, this isn’t what makes it attractive…

If you look at the data – you’ll see that their numbers are incredibly solid – which is what our trading matrix goes by.
It’s been something that has given a lot of our subscribers the chance to make REAL money on their investments…

And we’d love to show you how it works – but the only real way to understand – is to give it a try yourself.

It’s why I’m asking you to become a member of GorillaTrades – I fully believe that we can help you find some incredibly profit opportunities – as our track record speaks for itself.

However, we understand if you’d rather go it alone – but if you need some help with the heavy lifting – you know who to call.

Until then – do yourself a favor and take a good look at Microsoft – it could be the perfect fit for your portfolio if it’s not in it already.


“If I’d had some set idea of a finish line, don’t you think I would have crossed it years ago?” – Bill Gates