It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over



The cloud…


For a few years now, “the cloud” has been talked about by a lot of people, yet not many of them really know what it truly is…


Nor do they understand the kind of money to be made in “the cloud.”


Ok, I’m not going to put quotation marks around it anymore…


Because while people don’t seem to really understand what the cloud actually is – it doesn’t change the fact that it’s making people a LOT of money.


And we’ll get into the cloud more in a moment – but you have to take a second to listen, really listen, to what I’m about to say – because it’s important for you to understand this one true fact…


Cloud computing is the present AND future of technology and if you don’t own a piece of some of the companies behind it – then you may be left out in the cold.




Let’s talk about the cloud and what it is.


In the simplest sense, the cloud, or cloud computing, is simply a way of storing and accessing data and programs over the internet – instead of keeping them on your computer, where they take up memory space.


That’s it…


Basically, “the cloud” (I know what I said about quotation marks…) is just another way of keeping your files stored on the internet.


However, the way companies are getting rich off cloud computing is due to the fact that those files need to be stored somewhere…


The internet isn’t just some magical realm that has no boundaries and can just hold everything up in some quantum universe, where data hangs out like stars.


No, there needs to be a REAL place for these files to be stored…

Then, there needs to be security so nobody other than the customer can access those files…


And the cloud needs to function fast – so there needs to be a never-ending army of programmers constantly writing and rewriting code to ensure that those files and data can be accessed at a moment’s notice.


So, the companies that had the foresight to see that coming – are finding themselves in the driver’s seat and are making money hand over fist.


Not only that…


Right now may be one of the best times to get into this market.




Well, mostly because October was one of the worst months for the broader technology sector since the crash of 2008…


Even NBC’s resident financial “expert,” Jim Cramer, is touting the timing of the cloud-computing sector…


He said, “The cloud names rallied like crazy and I think they’ve got more room to run. If anything, they might be the best tech stocks, other than, maybe, cyber-security, … to own from now until the end of the year.”


There you have it, straight from the talking horse’s mouth…


And which companies are looking like the hottest prospects?


New Relic (NEWR), which is a company that uses cloud computing services to manage website traffic for businesses seems to be one of the top…


Another prospect is Twilio (TWLO) – a cloud-based computing platform for communications, which services ride sharing giant, Uber would be up there as well.


Another frontrunner would be business analytics company Tableau Software (DATA) – this company’s revenues have jumped 45% in a year.


The cloud is where it’s at…


As I said, cloud computing is the present and future of technology and getting in now isn’t a bad idea. In fact, it’s a great idea to consider buying some of these stocks while many of these companies are recovering from the recent dip.


I fully expect to see more and more of these types of companies starting to hit all of the technical requirements of the GorillaTrades proprietary screener…


Especially if the sector keeps performing as it has been.


That’s what subscribers love about GorillaTrades – we don’t make recommendations that are surrounded by hype or rumor – our picks are based on data and data only.


It’s amazing to see how many of our recommendations have performed and gave our people the chance to make a lot of money.


I’d love for you to see how it works – and if you become a GorillaTradessubscriber– you’ll get a firsthand look at how the whole process works.


But I understand – my system may not be for you…


And if it isn’t – you should still consider taking a good look at cloud companies if you haven’t already.


It’s a sector that’s only going to get bigger going forward – but the time to get in is now.


Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” – Buddha