It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over


After one of the most volatile, frightening and frustrating months in the markets ever – we turn around and have one of the best months these very same markets have ever seen.

They say March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb…

Well, we may have to change that to, “comes in like a bear and out like a bull” as the turn around we’ve witnessed in April was beyond impressive.

However, there are some people that feel this rally is already coming to an end…

But the truth is – this thing may continue on for foreseeable future.

Here’s why…

The reason behind the rally is easy to see for anybody that’s paying attention to what’s going on…

It comes down to one simple word: hope.

The markets are starting to feel the hope that the economy will soon be back on track – as there seems to be daily advancements in the battle to defeat the coronavirus pandemic…

New medications testing well, new information coming out on antibodies and new understanding about how the coronevirus spread has helped people realize that the economy will eventually get back to some semblance of normalcy.

Investors see a light at the end of the tunnel – and it’s a lot easier to concentrate on that pinprick of light – than the gloom that surrounds them under what has been the pitch black of the pandemic.

And this isn’t just the Gorilla’s observation…

There are other prominent financial experts who are echoing these same thoughts.

One of those experts has gone on record saying, “Investors are realizing that life goes on — even if we have to wear a mask while we’re living it. Yes, earnings are bad and the economy’s weakened dramatically — but everyone has been expecting that news for many weeks. It’s certainly no surprise.”

No, no surprise at all – we knew earnings were going to be in the gutter – but we also knew that it had nothing to do with a weakened economy, bad policies or any bubbles getting ready to burst…

It’s simply comes down to the pandemic – and by taking it in stride – we may be setting ourselves up for one heck of a comeback.


That same expert shed a little light on it by saying, “Stir in a few trillion in stimulus, add a blank check from the Federal Reserve and hope for a V-shaped recovery as America gets back to work … and there’s our stock market rally.”

That may be a simplified version of it…

But the fact remains that it looks to be the way things are going – for now.

This rally has legs…

They’re just not as long as we hope they’d be – as the second half of the year looks like it could be a bit dicey.

Because while the S&P 500 saw a spike of more than 10% this past month – something hit hasn’t done in over 30 years – some are saying that the writing is on the wall for an eventual pullback…

Investment bank and financial giant, Societe Generale, has gone on record saying that they expect the S&P to finish the year at 2,715 – which is about 7% lower than where it’s hovering at right now.


This doesn’t mean that we have to batten down the hatches and pull all our money out – not in the LEAST!

It just means that we need to be smarter with our moves and which stocks we buy.

What we want to look at are those stocks that are sure to grow and without any significant debt…

As long as they’re not near their record highs, that is. Again, we want to be smart going forward – we don’t want to latch onto some big large-cap stock just because it has a name.

We could do fine with some mid-tier stocks that are established and have a future ahead of them.

One area you may want to pay attention to, are the throwback mining stocks that were once veritable cash registers for those who invested early…

They may be looking to make a comeback as they’re trading MUCH lower than the traditionally have – and with gold inching near new all-time highs – it may be that no-brainer profit opportunity you’ve been looking for.

Of course, if you’d rather not do any of the heavy lifting – you could just let GorillaTrades do all the work for you.

Remember, our trading system doesn’t really care WHAT the market’s doing – as long as it’s running – the system will be able to find opportunities for everybody.


Because we don’t operate on rumors, panic or excitement…

The GT system uses only hard data, facts and numbers to fine potential winning recommendations.

We’d love to have you aboard for the next round, so please, consider becoming a subscriber today.

If not, we understand…

Just do yourself a favor – and keep that rally cap on a little longer – you’re going to be glad you did!


“There is nothing as sweet as a comeback, when you are down and out, about to lose, and out of time.” – Anne Lamott