It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over

Ahhh, the Golden Years…

Most people have a vision of the kind of life they want to live when they’re done working and want to ease into a life of relaxation and leisure.

It’s the second part of the American dream that most people don’t really talk about.

That said…

There is a common problem among retirees that tends not to get talked about – and that’s the fact that VERY few people get to live the life they’ve envisioned.

Can you guess why?

Here’s the truth…

Retiring is a lot like having a baby – you’re never as ready as you want to be.

You can try to prepare – and you may think you’re ready…

But you’re never ready enough.

Retirement is a great thing – but a SUCCESSFUL retirement – where your money is working for you… is even better.

And that’s the problem…

Not a lot of people have enough foresight or the wherewithal to make those plans to ensure that they’re money is MAKING them money – and that leads us to our FIRST regret.

Make A Plan For Success

That’s the first and often BIGGEST misstep people take – they fail to plan well enough – or even plan at all – when it comes to living a successful retirement.

You wouldn’t think that would be the case…

You would think that the majority of people would meet with their or ANY financial planner before removing themselves from the workforce – but they don’t.

It seems like everybody has a financial adviser these days…

But FEW people get to plan.

A failure to plan is the same as planning to fail – without something concrete to follow – you’re putting you and your loved ones at risk – as you could become a financial burden on your family…

And who needs THAT anxiety?

Retirement is full of major and often irreversible financial decisions – wouldn’t it make sense to work with somebody that knows how to do that? A small fee is worth that peace of mind – ask ANYBODY who has tapped that resource and they’ll tell you…

Make a plan!

And that brings us to our SECOND regret…

Wait To Collect Social Security

How many people do you know that want to retire as soon as possible?

They want to start collecting those Social Security checks as soon as they’re eligible to do so…

But is that a smart move?

To be blunt…

According to data, about 1 in 3 Social Security recipients start collecting benefits as early as possible – which is at 62-years-old.

Why is this a mistake?

Simple: Benefits grow by a GUARANTEED 5% to 8% each year that the applicant delays.

Meaning they’re basically leaving HUNDREDS of dollars on the table to cash out early – even though it’s guaranteed that they’ll get more money….

Apparently, some people think it’s more prudent to collect earlier.

Of course, there are those who have tentative plans to collect early and invest their money – but most end up NEEDING that money – and the fact is…

Their returns would be SMALLER than what they’d make if they waited to collect.

And that brings us to our last – and often most IMPORTANT regret…

Put Your Money In The Markets… NOW!

The last and one of the most important regrets that people have is simply NOT getting their money working for them early enough.

The time to get into the market isn’t when you retire…

It’s now!

And as scary as the stock market can be for somebody that doesn’t know…

It’s even scarier when you’ve retired – as you’re unprepared, uneducated and don’t have as much money coming in.

However, one financial expert says that retirees may have a BETTER chance at making money once they retire – as they can be more active and vigilant than they were when they had more responsibilities.

He says that a retiree may be able to take MORE risks in the markets, especially if their fixed expenses are covered by guaranteed income — from Social Security and pensions, for example — and puts them in a better position to take more risk with the potential for BIGGER returns.

Regardless of whether you’ve already retired, are about to retire or are YEARS away – GorillaTrades can help you negate that LAST regret…

Our trading system uses hard data and concrete numbers for our recommendations – something that is important in these more volatile times.

We’d love to help you now…

So please, consider becoming a subscriber today!

In the end, it could alleviate you of a LOT of anxiety…

And isn’t that what retirement is all about?!


“Retirement at sixty-five is ridiculous. When I was sixty-five I still had pimples.” – George Burns