The Trump Plan


When you think of the captains of industry and tycoons of years past what do you think of?


What’s the one thing that seemed to create everlasting fortunes for the heirs of these men of vision?


If you guessed steel, you’d be close…


But as you could probably guess from the title of today’s conversation – oil is what made the Rockefellers one of the richest families in the history of the world.


Black gold, crude, slippery dip, Texas tea…


Whatever you want to call it, the fact that this commodity has built more wealth than almost any other industry should make every investor stand up and pay attention.


Now, I already know what you’re thinking…

But that kind of profit is a thing of the past, Gorilla… why do you bring it up now?


Well, the reason I’m re-visiting oil is the simple fact that I believe we may be on the verge of another generation of oil tycoons.




The planets are aligning for another profit surge for oil – and for those with early notification (that means you!) – it could mean some cold hard cash in our pocket.


Let’s talk about what could soon push oil through the stratosphere – and why you should start researching a few stocks RIGHT now.


First and foremost, the election of a Republican president…


Say what you want about Trump – but he’s already made his intentions on business clear – and it should open up a lot of opportunities for both major and junior resources companies looking to help the President-elect “Make America Great Again”.


Secondly, winter is coming…


Yes, while that may be a pun (check out one of cable TV’s most popular TV shows, Game of Thrones) – the simple fact of the matter is, the price of oil ALWAYS surges during the winter months of the northern hemisphere.


Many people still use oil to heat their homes – it’s an affordable way to make sure you stay warm during the winter months – and as families and businesses stock up for the winter, demand may start cutting into the supply.


That, and the fact that many power companies still fuel their electricity output with combustion engines will still help those dependent on central heating to stay warm – and you’ve got a 1-2 punch towards a higher price of oil.


But these aren’t even the biggest reasons why we should be looking at oil stocks right now…


No, the absolute biggest reason is because the OPEC nations agreed to cut oil production in 2017 for the first time in 9 years, which means that crude supplies will be much lower, garnering a bigger asking price both on the markets and at the pump.


So, that begs the question…


How do we take advantage of it?


That answer is simple…


There are plenty of stocks that can help us profit throughout the winter – and we’re not talking just the big boys like Royal Dutch Shell, BP, or ExxonMobil…


There are PLENTY of smaller companies that have the right pieces in play that can have us seeing WAY bigger profits as their size allows for much bigger and faster growth.


I have my eye on a few of them right now and as soon as I get a lock on one or two – I’ll be letting my GorillaTrades subscribers know as soon as possible.


I’d love to have you join us on this one – as it could be big!
But I totally understand if you want to go at it alone…
And I don’t blame you! This kind of profit play can be almost like shooting fish in a barrel.
Good luck and happy hunting!


When coal came into the picture, it took about 50 or 60 years to displace timber. Then, crude oil was found, and it took 60, 70 years, and then natural gas. So it takes 100 years or more for some new breakthrough in energy to become the dominant source. Most people have difficulty coming to grips with the sheer enormity of energy consumption.” – Rex Tillerson