From the Mind of the Gorilla

I’m about to let you in one of the best-kept secrets on Wall Street.

The problem is, when I do, it may change the way you view investing going forward. So if you’re one of those “ignorance is bliss” people – do yourself a favor and stop reading now…

Because once you understand this secret, there’s no going back. You’ll always know this information – and it could potentially change everything you thought you knew about success in the markets.

Final warning…




Ok, for you bold people who decided to throw caution to the wind – here we go – here’s the secret most of Wall Street doesn’t want you to know:

Most of the investing world’s biggest names – you know, the ones with the biggest fortunes – depend more on luck than hard facts and figures.

What does that mean?

It means that there are probably only about 3% on The Street that can actually differentiate between a real winner – and those they HOPE will be winners.

I know what you’re about to say…

“But Gorilla, what’s wrong with being lucky? You know the adage, it’s better to be lucky than good.”

To that, I say “Psssssssh”.

If given the choice between having skill and having luck – I ALWAYS lean towards having skill – because eventually, luck runs out.

Nobody is lucky 100% of the time…

Sure there are some impressive runs. In fact, people have made careers from being lucky a couple of times – but knowledge and skill will take you a lot further than good fortune ever can.

In fact, it was this hard fact that helped me develop my GorillaTrades investment system!

GorillaTrades doesn’t deal in luck! It deals with cold hard numbers and facts in order to find the most probable winners in a given day.

No lucky rabbit’s foot…

No four leafed clover…

Just math.

And mathematics is as close as we can come to see the handwriting of God.

We’d love to have you join GorillaTrades. In fact, I’m willing to bet that if you look at your current trades– and make a note of your progress now, I’m confident that you will find that you will make more money more often following GorillaTrades!

Give me 30 days to prove it to you. If you’re not completely satisfied with the GorillaTrades system– cancel without being charged a single cent!

I can’t make it easier than that!

“Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.” – Shakuntala Devi