It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over



It’s not even spring yet and it seems that love is in the air.

No, I’m not talking about men and women – or males and females… or whatever you’re attracted to in 2024…

No – I’m talking about businesses falling in love with other businesses.

Most “partnerships” that happen in the business world tend to either be out of desperation or forced to happen…

But every once in a while – you get two very successful companies whose planets align, and they become entwined like two, star-crossed lovers.

This is what I’m talking about…

And it’s about to happen with two of the biggest names in the tech world.

In fact, this is going to be one of those pairings that’s not only going to rock the tech world…

But it’s most likely going to shake things up all across Wall Street.

The question is…

Will it be profitable for investors?

Let’s take a closer look…

Yes, in the high-stakes world of tech partnerships – it seems Nvidia (NVDA) has swiped right on the perfect match: Meta’s (META) AI project.

It’s like finding a date who doesn’t expect a fancy dinner but brings you a present…

A present in the form of a fortune in futuristic chips instead.

Meta, known for casually splurging billions on projects like the Metaverse (you know, chump change) – is eyeing Nvidia’s AI chips this time.

It’s like it’s collecting expensive tech toys – and Nvidia’s toys are the shiny new addition.

What does this partnership look like?

Well, Meta’s planning to buy a whopping 350,000 Nvidia chips.

Just imagine the price tag on these babies!

In the world of second-hand markets – these chips fetch up to $40,000 each.

So, let’s do some quick math: even if Nvidia gives Meta a ‘buddy discount,’ this deal could fill Nvidia’s pockets with a cool $10 billion.

That’s right, billion with a ‘b’ – all from Meta’s insatiable appetite for new tech.

But here’s the thing…

Meta’s been on a financial diet lately, cutting back on futuristic fantasies to boost profits and keep investors happy – and it WORKED.

Meta’s profit margin and stock price went up – but it seems AI is the cheat meal it can’t resist.

Investors are drooling over AI’s potential more than they ever did over the metaverse…

So, they’re likely to turn a blind eye to this little shopping spree – as long as it promises a slice of the AI revolution pie.

But here’s the juicy part…

Nvidia may be solidifying their spot as the world’s top AI chip maker once and for all.

It’s rare to peek behind the curtain of big companies’ spending plans, and this revelation is as good as gossip gets in the investment world.

Nvidia – AI’s reigning champ – is expected to DOUBLE its revenue this year.

Investors are scavenging for any tidbit that could hint at whether Nvidia will live up to these lofty expectations…

And if Meta follows through with its mega-order – Nvidia might just cement its spot in tech history.


Is it a buy?

Is it a true profit play?

Well, that depends…

The fact is – it comes down to the data, and if you’re not a member of GorillaTrades – then you won’t know whether or not that data makes them a true moneymaking opportunity.

Because that’s the only way you can truly know if any company is worth its salt…

What does the data say?

Well, what I can tell you for certainty is: if the data calls it – then GorillaTrades members will be amongst the very first to know.

Which is why I’m inviting you to become a member today…

You’ll want to be there before the masses cause a feeding frenzy – which we can help you with.

However, if you’d rather just guess and possibly make your purchase at the wrong time – you can just do what you’ve always done.

Either way – we’ll be here when you figure out it’s better to shoot fish in a barrel then hunting them in an ocean.

Regardless of what you choose – it’d be smart to keep your eye on this pairing…

It could shape how 2024’s financial markets act going forward.

Till next time…


“When you want to change things, you can’t please everyone. If you do please everyone, you aren’t making enough progress.” – Mark Zuckerberg