It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over


While not a lot of people are expecting too much out of technology these days, most notably in the investment world…

The fact is – technology waits for nobody.

Regardless of whether or not people are putting their money into new and innovative tech – the industry is moving ahead – as NOT moving in the business world is akin to death.

Right now, while we’re in the midst of the weirdest markets we’ve ever experienced…

Companies are gearing up for the future.

Right now it’s like the quiet before the storm – because as soon as the markets get back on track – these companies will be able to hit the ground running.

Which is why an announcement this week is getting attention…

As TWO companies are poised to join forces to create something that the electric vehicle world is in dire need of.

Which two companies are they?

And what are they teaming up to make?

Keep reading to find out.

Again, just because the investment world may not be the most excited about tech stocks right now doesn’t mean that the companies behind them are just sitting around twiddling their thumbs.

They can’t…

In the technology world there’s a saying: innovate for die.

And there are a lot of companies that are simply not ready to give up the ghost yet.

For example…

Take Stellantis (STLA).

You may or may NOT know what Stellantis – but I guarantee you – most of you know the companies that preceded this new EV manufacturer…

For those that don’t know, Stellantis is what you get when you combine the established names of Fiat Chrysler and PSA Peugeot – a merger that happened last year and led to the creation of this new EV company.

And to be fair, it’s not hard to miss it…

As last year – the new company sold just 400,000 electric cars – so it’s not exactly knocking down Tesla’s (TSLA) doors.

That said, it has designs to…

As the company revealed that it has a goal to sell 5 million EVs per year and for EVs to make up all of its European sales and half its North American sales – all by 2030.

That’s a bold proclamation…

Especially seeing as Stellantis has a lot of the same problems that the rest of the EV industry does – namely a shortage of materials – namely batteries.

Well, that’s what we’re here to talk about…

Because that seems like a problem that Stellantis may have a solution to, as last month the company made a deal with LG Energy Solution to build a $4.1 billion battery plant in the Great White North.

But the Canadian plant is just PART of Stellantis’ plan…

As it also signed a deal with Samsung – which will also build a $2.5 billion battery plant somewhere in the US.

Talk about making moves…

However, this is more than Stellantis just making moves – this is the company making a statement.

It’s making its presence felt in the EV industry – and it’s not just here to participate – it’s here to take over.

This move is a proactive move – as it’s seeing the writing on the wall…

EV’s made up more than 10% of all new vehicle sales last year – and that number is only going to go increase. That means that more companies are going to have to depend on China to get them all the material they need.

By building its own plants – it will be able to skip the middle man…

Which will help put it in prime position to become one of the bigger names in its industry.

This news is bigger than it seems…

And that’s due to the fact of what’s happening on Wall Street.

However, money never sleeps – and if companies want to come out of the other side of this market in good standing – they may want to take a page out of Stellantis’ book.

With everything it has going – it’d be easy to see how Stellantis could soon trigger the GorillaTrades trading matrix

A matrix that is designed to only find recommendations based on data and hard numbers. If you’d like to be along for the next round of picks – I urge you to become a subscriber to GorillaTrades now.

Regardless of whether or not you join – give Stellantis a good look…

It’s looking to make its mark on the EV world – and it has all the right pieces in play to do it!


“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla