It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over


One of the unfortunate, yet widely expected, side effects of living in the digital age has been the death of retail – in the brick and mortar sense of the word.

Malls were once littered across the nation like stars in the sky…

But with the advent of online shopping – the writing has been on the wall for brick and mortar retail’s slow, but sure, death.

The ease of getting what you want or need without having to leave the comfort of your own home has become all too common…

And while some old school retailers are now trying to keep up – if they weren’t already ahead of the curve – they’re going the way of the Dodo.

That said – there are a few companies that are surviving the death of retail…

And these companies are reaping the benefits of having secure footholds in BOTH worlds – and collecting revenue hand over fist.

But there is one company in particular that could be the right choice for ANY investor looking to put a solid moneymaker into their portfolio…

And they rarely miss the mark.

Did you see what I did there?

I gave you an EXTREMELY obvious hint as to which company we’re talking about…

And while that may have been one of the cheesiest lines I’ve ever written – it’s very rare that I get to use a pun when writing about stocks – so you’ll have to forgive me.

Have you figured it out?

Yes… it’s Target (TGT).

Target has been one of Walmart’s (WMT) biggest adversaries – as the company is seen as a “higher class” big box retailer than the more established Walmart.

Its marketing and brand management has been on point…

But what may really put them above Walmart is the fact that the quality of the company’s retail partnerships – like with established shoe giant, Converse, surf brand, Stussy, and a new partnership with popular lifestyle brand, Vineyard Vines – is almost unmatched at the prices Target can offer.

It’s something that has them leading the way as far as the “cool” factor goes – and there are many people that will go to Target DAILY but won’t be caught dead in a Walmart…

But there’s a lot more to the Target story and why NOW may be the smartest time to add this proven performer to your portfolio.

One of the areas that Target seems to really be exceling in is its online presence.

The company has been able to increase its digital operations while keeping prices low – something that is a MUST if you’re looking to impress Wall Street.

By doing this, Target has been able to increase operating earnings – and it’s why some believe that a buying frenzy could soon be on the horizon.

“Target has finally reached that turning point in their earnings trajectory they have been working towards for the last three years,” a Goldman Sachs analyst expressed.

Even more, this same analyst believes Target stock, which is priced modestly at about $88, could soon see its shares shoot up above $102.

If he’s right, this means we could see a roughly 15% jump in price in the not-so-distant future.

Keep in mind, Target shares were relatively flat over the past four years, and are already up 33% this year alone!

What does that mean?

It means its focus on the digital side of the business is working…

It has taken some time, but it’s finally working, nonetheless.

The company’s efforts to push digital sales, in-store pick up, and fast delivery has put it in the driver’s seat in their industry…

Think about this – in 2012, Target did just $1 billion in online revenue – in 2018, it did more than $5 billion in online sales.

And it only seems to be going in ONE direction…


Which means that NOW may be the best time to get in on this retail wonder – you don’t want to be on the outside looking in.

This is one of the worst parts about investing…

Knowing WHEN to pull the trigger. Knowing when to buy and when to sell – it’s harrowing.

Which is why I started GorillaTrades…

I wanted to make it easy for the everyday investor to make money. It can get so complicated – and I wanted to simplify that process for people.

We make it as easy as possible….

You get an email with the recommendation – if desired, you do a little due diligence of your own – and decide whether to buy or pass on the opportunity.

We tell you exactly when to buy and exactly when to sell, in simple terms that anyone can understand…

It doesn’t get much easier than that.

I’d love to show you how it works – so if you’re interested in doing things a little differently – please consider becoming a GorillaTrades subscriber today.

Regardless of whether you do or don’t – take a look at Target and see if it fits your profile…

You could get the chance to make some $$$! “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” – Calvin Coolidge