Let the Triumphant Stand!

Well… we made it!

If you’re reading this, you’re one of the lucky ones that made it through one of the most turbulent, weirdest and whackiest years on record, soooo – congratulations!

We lost a ton of celebrities; we had domestic terrorism, the rise of Donald Trump, the Cubs winning the world series…

It won’t be hard to convince future generations that 2016 was one of the craziest on record.

But as we say goodbye to 2016 and start 2017 off still riding that Trump post-election rally – there’s something we need to talk about that happened in the “Weirdest Year Ever”…

Something that not many people are talking about but is true nonetheless.

You see, while many people experienced personal problems…

A lot of people made a LOT of money in 2016.

Many of my business associates and friends, all from different business realms and sectors, seem to be riding high on all the money they made last year…

From the internet to stocks, from scrap metal to the service industry – people seem to have made 2016 a very good financial year.

But I know you really don’t care that some of my buddy’s made a killing last year…

You want to know HOW they did it.

Well, I’ll tell you – it really wasn’t too hard if you were able to read the telltale signs that the economic landscape was leaving us.

While you didn’t need to be a business or financial topographer to read these signs – it does help to have an idea as to which sectors surged and which seemed to go silent.

Taking a look at the stock market, it’s surprising to see that while tech had a few winners – it wasn’t the cash register that many people thought it would be.

Sure, there were plenty of companies that had some very big returns – but those were few and far between – however, that’s something I think is going to change in 2017.

I’m not calling it the “The Year of the Tech Stock” just yet – but I do know that there are a LOT of tech IPO’s in the chamber and ready to be fired at Wall Street, but I digress…

The biggest surprises on the “big earners” list for 2016?

Fannie Mae (FNMA) and Freddie Mac (FMCC).

Surprising, I know – but these two stocks performed nicely over 2016 – returning over 120% EACH!

But this isn’t the first time that these two stocks performed exceptionally – in 2013 they both returned more than 1,000% for investors able to get in early – so it shouldn’t be that big of a surprise.

One of the biggest sectors of 2016 happened AFTER Trump won the election – an industry that may have been one of America’s BIGGEST at one point recorded another surge over the last quarter.

Which industry?


The Steel industry saw a NICE bump over the last few months of 2016 as the President Elect’s promise of increased infrastructure spending has many optimistic for this once proud powerhouse earner.

One of which is an OLD standard of both the industry and of Wall Street itself – US Steel (X).

This Old School standard watched it’s stock climb steadily last year as steel prices rose throughout most the year… then exploded after Trump’s victory (in which it gained more than 50%!)…

And as the amount of steel imported from China continues to decline and domestic production stays status quo, the price of the metal will likely keep going up – potentially making 2017 extremely lucrative for U.S. Steel!

But there are plenty of stories like this making the rounds…

Personal tragedy and financial triumph seem to be the tone of 2016 – and we can only hope that triumph continues while the former takes a much needed break.

I’m hoping that GorillaTrades will have the banner year we’ve all come to expect – and I’m pretty sure I’m going to get my wish on this one…

The economic climate is bursting with money making opportunities that I can’t wait to share with GorillaTrades subscribers – and I’d love for you to be on the list of recipients of any of these potential winners.

Please consider joining the number one stock picking service in the world for 2017 – I’m sure you’ll find that at the close of the year – you’ll be happy you decided to let us do the work for you.

However, we know some people would rather rely on their own noodle rather than a risk-adverse trading system – and that’s their choice…

Just keep in mind that 2017 is already shaping up to be incredible and I hope you’re ready for an amazing ride.

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” – Steve Jobs