It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over



If I told you 20 years ago, that we’d be talking about the types of investment opportunities in the world of marijuana, you may have laughed me out of the room– or at the very least – chuckled…


But here we are in 2018, and the pot market has become one of the hottest new markets in the world.


However, where pot IS and where it can GO depends on many different factors.


Right now, pot is purely speculative – it’s not an established moneymaker like tech or crude…


But it’s quickly shaping up to be one of the future’s better prospects for people like us to make money.


It just needs a little push…


And something happened recently that could be the exact push investors have been looking for.


Regardless of how you feel about marijuana – the fact is – it’s here to stay. Too many people are making too much money from the legal aspects of this herb for it to go away now.


Meaning, I don’t see this industry doing anything but getting bigger as we move forward – and recently, there was a huge announcement that could be the biggest step forward for this nascent market – as one of the biggest brands on the face of the planet may have just thrown its hat into the marijuana ring.


Coca-Cola (KO), the biggest soda company in the world, released a statement that carried shockwaves throughout Wall Street and beyond.


What’d it say?


Here, read it for yourself,


Along with many others in the beverage industry, we are closely watching the growth of non-psychoactive CBD as an ingredient in functional wellness beverages around the world. The space is evolving quickly. No decisions have been made at this time.


This may seem like an innocuous statement, but saying, “…No decisions have been made at this time” means something big. It means that Coca-Cola is considering getting into the marijuana business.


This. Is. HUGE!!


For a company with the size and stature of Coca-Cola to even be considering a move into CBD means that we may be on the cusp of a true marijuana wave that could carry us to the land of profits for years to come.


What makes this so significant is that if Coca-Cola is considering it – it’s gotten enough mainstream support that it sees the profit potential in a new product.


And mainstream support is the key for the entire industry…


The more people that show their support for marijuana – the more money people like us can make!


Because the truth of the matter is – the only thing that’s really holding the marijuana industry back is the negative connotation it received decades ago.


However, leave it to Coca-Cola to be among the first to express interest in adding CBD to their products…


Especially since at the start of the company, one of the ingredients was coca leaves – the main ingredient for cocaine.


But it makes one wonder…


If Coca-Cola is considering infusing their products with CBD – how many OTHER companies are considering it?


Right from the jump – you know if Coca-Cola is thinking about it – Pepsi (PEP) can’t be far behind if it’s not already working on it.


It’s amazing watching the domino effect take place.


In fact, when Coca-Cola made the announcement – the Canadian company they’ve supposedly been in talks with, Aurora Cannabis (ACBFF), trended up 14% on just the RUMOR of them talking.


But it didn’t stop there…


As there were other companies in the industry that also got a boost out of the Coca-Cola/Aurora talks because apparently, a rising tide lifts ALL ships.


Yeah, it was a good day for the marijuana industry – but it could just be a taste of the things to come as the benefits of cannabis gains more and more support from the mainstream.


When will we see the REAL boom in the marijuana industry happen?


Only time will tell…


However, if you look, you can see the signs that are all around us pointing in the direction in which marijuana may go. I mean, even Trump has mentioned that it’s time to look at the full legalization of marijuana.


Plus, Canada has done it – and no President wants to be outdone by the Canadian Prime Minister.


I fully expect the marijuana industry to ramp up even further going forward – and I’m sure that momentum will cause more opportunities to show up soon in the GorillaTrades system.


Remember, the GorillaTrades system doesn’t work on rumors – it only takes hard data into consideration.


Which – by the looks of things – means we’re going to have a lot more data to work with.


If you would like to see how it works, I’d love to show you! By joining GorillaTrades you’ll get an idea of how the system works – it’s really the only way to see it first hand.


So please, consider becoming a subscriber today.


If joining doesn’t sound like something you’d do – you should still start looking into the marijuana industry as an investment vehicle…


This new market could be on the verge of making a lot of people a lot of money!


Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them.” – William Arthur Ward