It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over



It’s funny…


When legal marijuana stocks started finding their way into the markets – people were both intrigued and worried at the same time.


Wow – marijuana stocks, it’s so taboo – should I buy it?


It’s legal in a few states, but still a federal offense – is it safe to buy?


Well, here we are, a few years after the first “pot stocks” debuted and there’s still a lot of intrigue – still a lot of worry – so on the surface, it doesn’t’ seem like too much has changed in the world of marijuana…


And for the most part, it hasn’t!


It’s been really hard for people to figure out how they’re actually going to get rich from the legal marijuana industry…


But it’s about to get a whole lot easier.


See, like I said, it’s been a few years since marijuana made its debut in the financial markets– and people weren’t really sure how these stocks were going to make them money – they just saw that there was some kind of potential there.


Were investors going to get rich from the use of marijuana in the states where it was legal?


Are people going to smoke so much pot, it’d be like investing in a tobacco company?


No… while the use of marijuana, both recreationally and medically, have the potential to make people money – it seems the REAL value in pot stocks may lie in something else cannabis can be used for…




If you don’t know what Cannabidiol (CBD) is, it’s a derivative of marijuana or hemp – that has been shown to help combat anxiety, seizure disorders, and pain relief – while also showing positive signs that it can also help in the treatment of Alzheimer’s, MS, Parkinson’s and even cancer.


CBD can be used multiple ways – it can be smoked/vaped, sublingually, in pill form, or topically…


And it’s starting to make Big Pharma very nervous.


CBD research is very much in its infancy – so it may be too soon to tell if CBD is going to be a viable alternative to some of today’s most popular prescription drugs…


But it’s making enough waves that the lobbyists in Washington are already working overtime in order to keep the federal government’s thumb on the marijuana industry.


This is par for the course though…


Back in the 1920’s William Randolph Hearst – one of the richest men of his time – had a big hand in the prohibition of marijuana. The rumor is that he didn’t like how hemp – a non-psychoactive brother to plant we know as “pot” – was beginning to cut into the profits of his paper mills.


People have said that he used his status, connections and newspaper to rail against marijuana – changing public opinion and influencing politicians to get marijuana put on the naughty list.


Will Big Pharma do the same thing?


It wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility…


But people are really starting to get behind CBD – as it’s a natural and non-addictive way for people to control anxiety and pain – two of the ailments Big Pharma have held the cornerstone on for decades.


However, medicine is starting to undergo a bit of a transformation itself…


Doctors are starting to move towards a more natural and holistic way of treating their patients and that mentality is helping the CBD market grow from almost nothing – to a projected $2.1 billion by 2020.


This is what the future of marijuana is starting to look like.


It’s not a bunch of hippies sitting around beating drums and smoking joints…


The future of the marijuana is in the medical world.


CBD is booming in the western world – as both Canada and the U.S. are racing to become the leader in the industry – but there’s two things all CBD companies need…


And that’s either marijuana or hemp.


It may have taken a few years for the market to shape up – but it finally looks to be headed in the right direction – which is what early investors were both hoping and waiting for.


Now that the market is starting to unveil its treasures – I fully expect for more marijuana stocks to pop up on GorillaTrades’ radar.


Now that we know which direction things are going – the data will begin to reflect that equilibrium – and I believe we’ll see more and more legitimate marijuana companies appearing in the near future.


As always, I’d love for you to be there when the next stock pick is sent out to my subscribers – it’s the only real way you can understand how GorillaTradesworks…


However, I understand that GT may not be for everybody – so for those of you who feel your fine on your own, I would only suggest you start revisiting this industry soon.


With all of the incredible news coming out – that $2.1 billion projection may be just a drop in the proverbial bucket.


“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson