It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over


Seventeen years…

That is how long it has been since Elon Musk, the wunderkind who many say was responsible for the success of electronic wallet company, PayPal, started his wildly popular electric car company, Telsa (TSLA).

It doesn’t seem like it has been almost two decades…

But the truth is Elon Musk started his company in 2003 and has arguably changed the world with his contribution to society.

However, for the better part of those two decades – Elon has operated almost like a monopoly – as while other car companies like Ford and Chevrolet have tried to compete by releasing electric cars of their own…

The truth is – Tesla is THEE name in the market.

But that could all change VERY soon – as there is a NEW player in town that could disrupt the entire hierarchy of Wall Street…

And the IT went public.

Now, as an American and an unabashed capitalist, I will admit freely that I love competition.

Whether it’s in a sport, a game, or in business…

Competition is what makes this world go ‘round.

They say that necessity is the mother of invention – and they’re 100% correct – but sometimes that necessity doesn’t come simply from a desire or need for something…

But sometimes that desire to innovate comes STRICTLY from a sense of survival.


In order to survive, especially in the world of business, you need to innovate in order to separate yourself from your competitors.

You need to have a better product or a cheaper product of similar quality in order to be able to compete and therefore SURVIVE – as stagnating put you or your business out to pasture.

Elon Musk is an innovator by nature…

He has never been one to rest on his laurels – as he is always seemed to be in competition with himself.

Each and every incarnation of the Tesla tops the previous version – and this is because Elon loves technology and loves moving forward.


His days of topping himself for the sake of it are over – as it seems that FINALLY – Tesla is getting some competition in its market and it could start a new “road race” for who has the better product.

California-based electric car company, Fisker (FSR), has just gone through the final stages of a merger with Spartan Energy – after Spartan stockholders approved it and it’s now official…

There is a NEW electric car company on the block.

The merger has Fisker officials saying that they expect to have about $1 billion in cash to fund its first vehicle, a luxury SUV dubbed the Ocean that will launch by the end of 2022 and the initial cost of the car should come in under $40K.

This is a sweet spot for SUV’s – especially of the electric car variety.

Of course, nobody thought that when Henrik Fisker launched the company in 2016 – that it would have a chance – especially seeing as one of his early incarnations ended in bankruptcy.

That car was dubbed the Karma – and it seemed like the universe wasn’t listening – and let this first incarnation of Fisker fall into obscurity.

However, with the merger with Spartan done…

They’re going to have a LOT more capital – hopefully, they’ll not only be able to manufacture the Ocean – but be able to actually market it and get sales.

Apparently, the Ocean is just the tip of the spear…

There are plans to put other vehicles as well – with rumors of a Truck dubbed the Alaska.

With the names of their vehicles, they’re starting to sound like the Ikea of electric cars – which isn’t a bad thing.

What’s good is – as stated before – there will now be competition in this industry after being RULED by Musk for 17 years.

Not that he was a bad ruler…

Not that he rested on his laurels…

But the fact remains that it’s this kind of adversarial competition that could bring us the next generation of the electric car MUCH sooner than we ever thought possible.

Elon is going to have to step it up…

And it’s going to be fun to watch.

The question you may have is – will Fisker (FSR) wind up as a GorillaTrades recommendation?

That remains to be seen…

As of now – it’s not there – but that doesn’t mean it won’t be. Our trading matrix uses hard data – and there just isn’t enough yet to make a call one way or the other.

However, when or if it does, you can bet that our investors will be the first on the scene…

If you’d like to be there with them – I urge you – consider becoming a subscriber to GorillaTrades today.

We get it if we’re not your thing – but if we are – we’d love to help you get the chance to make money with your trades.

If not – you may want to give Fisker a look – it could be the right fit for you and your portfolio!



“I think that’s the single best piece of advice: constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.” – Elon Musk