It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over

If there’s one thing the 21st Century has taught us is…

There’s a market for everything.

Legal or illegal – the odds are that if there is ANYTHING out there that somebody has – somebody else wants it and will be willing to pay hard earned money for it.

However, as child of the 70’s and 80’s – if there is one thing that has caught the Gorilla off guard – is the fact that something that is still federally illegal (marijuana) is a booming industry with stocks trading daily on the market.

While it’s been talked about for decades – there are many people that called the idea of “Pot Stocks” as an impossibility. Yet, here we are in 2020 – with Pot Stocks accounting for almost $20 billion in market value.

But there’s something ELSE on the horizon that may shock you even more…

There’s a NEW industry growing that a LOT of people didn’t coming that could put $$$ into your pocket – if you’re willing to take a trip down Gamble Road.


While the Gorilla may SUCK at puns – he does have a pretty good eye for what is and isn’t a moneymaker on Wall Street.

It’s been both a blessing and a curse – but I wouldn’t change a thing.

That said, I’m going to do something strange…

When it comes to this industry – I’m going to reserve judgment on whether I think this will be a viable moneymaker – but definitely thought it was worth bringing to your attention.


What’s this new industry that may shock people even more than the emergence of the marijuana industry?

How about psychedelic mushrooms?


The funky mushrooms that have been passed around at every Grateful Dead show since the inception of the band – is now going to be traded, legally – on the major indexes.

Bet that caught some people off guard?

But over the past few years, there’s been a resurgence in the use of psychedelic compounds to treat mental disorders such as night terrors, manic depression or PTSD.

Psychedelics are mind-altering drugs that affect the brain chemistry…

For some, these out-of-the-box therapies are nothing short of miracle cures for their ailments – but the problem will always be the stigma that these compounds have been used recreationally for decades.

The most common is an extract from psilocybin mushrooms – more commonly known as “magic mushrooms” – but you knew that already thanks to my terrible puns and the reference to the Grateful Dead.

The push for psychedelic therapy has been interesting…

But it’s the market that could be emerging that could be even more interesting – as it could be creating a new market that investors never dreamed would exist – and a new IPO may have just kicked things off with a bang.

Compass Pathways (CMPS) recently went public – making it the first psychedelic drug company to do so on a major American exchange – and it went public in a BIG way…

As shares of the company exploded 70.6%, to close at $29, lifting the market cap to about $1 billion and has the backing from Wall Street big wig, Peter Thiel.

Why the surge?

Well, ever since the FDA gave breakthrough status to Compass’ therapy regimen, called COMP360 (a patented compound to be used in treatment-resistant depression) – investors have been champing at the bit for this company to go public.

Now, people are just waiting for full, FDA approval – which may come at any time.

This is a pretty big deal…

Especially in a market that is ruled by tech – this kind of a debut for a biomedical company that’s backed from such a prominent power player should raise a few eyebrows.

What was weird about this IPO was there was a last minute change in price…

As it was announced earlier in the week that the stock would debut at anywhere from the $14-$16 – however, a correction was made a few days later and Compass announced it would be setting it’s IPO price at $17.

From $17 to $29 is an INCREDIBLE opening – and we can only hope there is more of these to come.

As far at GorillaTrades is concerned, we’ll let the dust settle before making a call on both CMPS and its industry…

We’re more focused on the stocks we can gather hard data on – rather than hope and emotions.

We’d love to have you with us on our next round of recommendations – which is why I’m urging you to consider becoming a subscriber to GorillaTrades today.

There’s a reason why we’ve become one of the most trusted and successful recommendation sites on the internet today…

And we hope you pull the trigger.

If not – we get it…

But do yourself a favor and take a look at this blossoming industry – it could be worth it in the future!


“It’s a very salutary thing to realize that the rather dull universe in which most of us spend most of our time is not the only universe there is. I think it’s healthy that people should have this experience.” ― Aldous Huxley