It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over

There’s one thing you can always say about entrepreneurs like Richard Branson…

And that is…these guys are NEVER satisfied with what they have – sure they can reach a point of contentment – but when it comes to being satisfied, these guys never seem to be able to sick back and rest on their laurels for very long.

Why is that?

What is it about guys like Richard Branson or Elon Musk that they’re always looking for a new challenge?

A new industry to conquer?

Well, it looks like Branson is on his way to making even more money…

But is the public really willing to bet on him again?

There’s no doubt that Branson is a wild man…

He’s used good old fashioned chutzpah, some showmanship and a little sleight of hand to not only get to the top of the music industry – but he used a lot of those same attributes to change the commercial airline business as we know it.

Have you ever flown on Virgin?

It’s not just your parents’ airline – it’s an experience – which is exactly what Branson was going for.

And honestly – that’s awesome – what good is it being one of the world’s richest people if you’re not going to try and change things for the better?

And that’s what he’s trying to again…

Only this time – he’s got his sites set on even BIGGER horizons.

Ever since he got into the airline business – he’s looked to go even further – as space is right there and ready to be explored by the private sector…

So, like Elon Musk and SpaceX – Branson has been dying to get people out of Earth’s atmosphere – and he’s betting BIG on it.

However, unlike Musk – who is looking at using his vehicles to advance space exploration while working with NASA and other space agencies…

Branson has a different plan in mind…

He wants to bring space to the people – or to more accurate – he wants to bring people to space.

In 2019, Branson launched his recreational space travel company, Virgin Galactic Holdings (SPCE) – but even calling it “space travel” is a little weird – as it’s less about space exploration and more about space “skimming.”

Branson’s new venture will give the civilian population a taste of what space is like over a three hour experience – which includes 6 minutes of weightlessness…

All for the low low price $250,000 per person.

Does that sound like a viable business to you?

Regardless of whether you think it does or not – Virgin Galactic is now one step closer to making this happen – as company creditors just passed a vote Tuesday for a $1.6 billion recapitalization deal to be finalized in September.

However, even though this company has not brought a single paying passenger up into space yet…

The company is already valued around $3.7 billion – and it’s hard to see why – as it hasn’t done anything yet.

Sure, the company is planning to launch its commercial space flights early next year…

But until that time – Virgin Galactic is simply running test flights – and of course the Wild Man, Branson himself, plans to be the very first commercial passenger.

It’s just hard to see how he’ll get enough paying customers to keep this company in business for the long haul…

$250K a ticket is nothing to sneeze at, and it’s not like he’s going to be getting thousands to stand in line to go see what our planet looks like from space.

The ultra rich and maybe a few retirees looking to cross the experience of their bucket list – but not many young people can afford these prices – especially with a global pandemic disrupting so many economies.

Which makes it too much of a risk for many investors…

Especially seeing how we won’t know successful the company is for a few years – they won’t start bringing in revenue till 2021 – so who knows if they’ll even be in business by 2022.

However, there are plenty of people willing to bet on Branson – he’s proven the naysayers wrong before – he may do so again…

Just realize that if you decide to pull the trigger on SPCE – you’re acting on speculation ONLY – and if you’re fine with that, we say, have fun.

It may be a cool little addition to your portfolio…

And who knows?

It could be the next biggest thing since sliced bread!

However, if it were up to me, I’d rather go off hard numbers and data – rather than guessing…

Which is why I designed a trading system around numbers and data.

I’d love to have you on board for the next recommendation so you can see how it works – but understand if you’d rather get by on your own steam…

Just know that we’re always here and ready to help you get the chance to make more money.

Until next time…


“There is no greater thing you can do with your life and your work than follow your passions in a way that serves the world and you.” – Richard Branson