It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over


One of the most popular questions asked here at GorillaTrades isn’t about how the system works or which stocks seem to be on the rise – though you’d think that’d be the case.

Nope. Instead, one of the most frequent questions presented to us is this…

“Why are you always so bullish on Apple (AAPL)?”

I guess our bias toward the company is pretty apparent – I mean, even when there’s a market pull back – we STILL keep touting this stock…

In fact, when the market’s pulling back and the price dips – it has usually been nothing more than another buying opportunity!

Think about it, this stock has performed great for the Gorilla, as well as GorillaTrades subscribers, and giving one of our favorite entities some love isn’t unheard of…

However, there are real reasons behind why we love Apple stock so much – and once you hear the “why” – you may find yourself in love with Apple as well!

Understand, before the introduction of the iPod – Apple was just another computer company – albeit with incredible products.

Many still say that Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne are as much responsible for revolutionizing the computer industry as anybody.

But this isn’t a history lesson in Apple…

What I really want to focus on in is why its stock continues to perform for shareholders – making it one of the hardest stocks to part with.

However, we have to go backwards before we go forwards…

And it all begins with the iPod.

Before the advent of the iPod – people didn’t know what was possible with the digitization of information.

Sure, there were other companies working on MP3 players – but the ease and popularity of the iPod really changed things for Apple.

The stock went from the proverbial outhouse to the penthouse – and it really hasn’t looked back since.

Of course, things REALLY kicked into high gear with the innovation that changed everything – the original smartphone – the iPhone.

What was it about the iPhone that was so appealing? Was it the sleek design? The features? The performance?

It’s really hard to tell…

What I can tell you with certainty is that the iPhone was – like Apple’s founders – revolutionary.

Of course, the iPhone came out 11 years ago – and besides the iPad and Apple Watch– Apple really hasn’t come out with anything new or groundbreaking…

Just newer, better versions of what we already have.

Now, you’d think that may be a problem for a company like Apple – but even without many new innovations over the past decade – its stock is sitting pretty.

In fact, over the past year, Apple’s stock price has jumped 49% – if you’re counting at home – that means it added over $360 billion to its market value.

Yes, $360 billion – without a new innovation.

I bet you’re wondering how it continue to grow…

And that answer is simple: the market no longer cares about its competition coming out with a cheaper or better version of its most popular products.

People thought that, eventually, Apple would slip up or the market would pass them by – much like it did with one of the originators of smart tech – Blackberry (BB).

Each incarnation of Apple’s iPhone improves upon the last – and it always has something that seems to be a step ahead of the competition.

So, investors have seemed to stop caring – they know that Apple products are going to sell.

However, there’s another reason why Apple stock is doing so well – and that would be the fact that once that iPhone is bought – its customers will now spend incredible amounts of money buying apps, Apple Music, and various other expenditures available through the Apple Store or iTunes.

And while 10 years ago – investors were skeptical of the amount of money Apple could make in this way – they’re not skeptical now.

Apple is making money hand over fist – and investors know it.

I mean think about it…

One of its biggest competitors, Google (GOOGL, GOOG) – the innovators of the Android operation system – still pays Apple billions of dollars a year for their search engine to be the default browser for Apple phones.

What does that tell you?

If its competitors are willing to spend that much to be a part of the company – there’s definitely value there.

Also, there are rumors of new innovations coming on the horizon for Apple…

Whispers of an Apple Car have long been muttered in back alleys and water coolers around Wall Street – so it may not be too long until this computer company gets into another industry.

This move would be VERY interesting…

But these are just the BIG reasons why GorillaTrades is so bullish on the AAPL.

The company performs! The stock performs! And it makes my subscribers very happy when their stocks perform well.

And when they’re happy – WE’RE happy.

So, do yourself a favor – take a look at AAPL if you don’t have it in your portfolio – it’s not a bad move to make at all. And no, it’s not too late!

Also, I’d like to invite you to join us here at GorillaTrades – we’d love to have you on board – and believe that we can help you make more money than you ever have in the stock market.

But we understand if you want to take a pass at this time…

Just remember that, like Apple, we’ll always be here.

“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.” – Steve Jobs