It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over


Don’t look at the inflation numbers…

If you do – be prepared to become VERY upset, as even with the steps taken by the Federal Reserve – infaltion is still on the rise. 

Does that mean we should worry? 

Is it time to freak out?! 

The answer to that question is a resounding “no” – as things aren’t exactly what they seem. 

Yes, inflation is BAD right now… 

Yes, prices are soaring… 

And yes, Main Street is being hit harder than Wall Street…

But it’s not time to panic. 

In fact, it may be time to celebrate – as there have been a few revelations recently that show that while the markets may be in flux…

This is all just TEMPORARY. 

Keep reading to see what I’m talking about…

Yes, inflation is absolutely horrendous right now…

And nobody is feeling it more than the working class.
You can tell this because Wall Street seemed to have become all worked up about the core consumer price index (CPI) – as the price of essential goods has been going through the roof.

However, that’s not the only marker that has people worried…

Recently, we found out that the March producer price index (PPI) jumped 11.2% from last year – the biggest increase on record.

Things are getting rough out there…

And SOME people are starting to panic. 

An economist at Oxford Economics, Mahir Rasheed, revealed his thoughts recently on the increased PPI, saying, “The severe imbalance between robust demand and handicapped supply will persist throughout Q2, keeping producer price inflation sticky and elevated until price pressures start to decelerate in the latter part of 2022.”

Did you pick that up? 

“Persist throughout Q2”? 

That means the summer may be leaner than we expected. 

Rasheed continued, “With a new wave of lockdowns in China and the war in Ukraine raging on, however, risks to the inflation outlook remain firmly to the upside, reaffirming our view that the Fed must proceed with a faster pace of policy normalization in the months ahead.”

That seems like a bit of a panicked statement right? Or at least he intoned a lot of urgency…

But the fact is – there’s something GOOD we should glean from this statement. 

Some people may not have noticed – but Rasheed reminded us that there is a light at the end of the tunnel in both the CPI and PPI data. 

Just as the CPI indicated that inflation could be at its peak, the PPI is hinting at inflation relaxing in the latter half of this year.

And you know what that means, right? 

It proves that this situation is TRANSITORY… 

That we aren’t going to be locked into this high-priced environment forever – we’re going to be getting some relief in just a few months’ time. 

That’s exactly what “transitory” means.

It means you can breathe a little easier…

And it also means that you get the chance to prepare for the coming respite by taking profits on risky investments or holding on to stocks in some outperforming companies – as you know relief is coming!

We should celebrate the fact that the pity party won’t go on forever…

It’ll be over before you know it. 

Of course, GorillaTrades subscibers haven’t really needed to worry about it – as they’ve gotten opportunities to profit due to the fact that our recommendations are ALWAYS based on hard data. 

While some people tend to speculate – especially when it comes to the tech sector – GorillaTrades subscribers get to rest easy knowing that the ONLY thing behind their picks are solid numbers…

Not guesses, hunches, or speculation – and we’d love to have you on board for the next round. 

Of course, we get it if you’d rather go it alone – just keep in mind we’re here if you want to take your investing to the next level.

Regardless, don’t fret about inflation…

It seems like it’ll be over before you know it – and we’ll be back to living high off the hog!!

“I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.” – Mark Twain