It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over

Uncertainty in ANY form can be unbearable.

But when it comes to our economy, the markets as well as our financial standing and future…

It can be downright terrifying.

When all the old tricks aren’t working…

When all of the established methods of investing and letting our money work for us seem to be an exercise in futility…

When each and every day you don’t know what you’re going to see happen on Wall Street and don’t know how to act or react…

What do you do?

How to you find firm footing in a shaky economy? Or even better…

How do you make money in a volatile market that seems to change with the wind?

Well, I’ll tell you the first thing you need to do…

Keep reading so you’ll learn how YOU may need to forget everything you know about the investing world.

Shaky ground…

That’s what we’re all experiencing when it comes to our economy – and when the ground shakes – people tend to look for something to hang on too…

Something firm.

But where do we grab when economic uncertainty threatens to push our volatile markets over the edge?

Some people may see disaster – but savvy investors see these challenges for what they really are…

More money-making opportunities.

We can find firm footing with a little knowledge and know-how – just like we did when we were kids.

What am I talking about?

When I was still a young Gorilla and the fair was in town, there were two things that I absolutely HAD to do every single time: ride the Tilt-A-Whirl and walk through the Funhouse.

Unfortunately, my love affair with the Tilt-A-Whirl ended when I was 13 and I got sick on the ride, forever changing its name to the Tilt-A-Puke in my household… something I call it to this day…  

But the Funhouse was always a blast! I would bound through that thing like I was storming some kind of ancient temple in search of an artifact – like a young Indiana Jones before there WAS an Indiana Jones – and getting out was always the hardest part.

There were two funhouses on the circuit back then – one had a spinning barrel as the exit – and the other had a shifting platform that would rattle your brain. Both came with their own unique set of problems – but with time, a little effort and some experience – it got easier and easier every time.

Honestly, our financial world has felt a lot like the exits to those funhouse attractions lately – as it’s very hard to find your footing…

Which is a LOT less fun outside of a carnival setting.

Every time you think you’re stable, something new comes around. War in Ukraine, product shortages, or more COVID lockdowns.

So, what do we do? Do we try to gain a steady footing, even when it seems impossible? Or do we shift our weight, roll with the punches, and figure out a different way to be?

Well, I truly believe that being able to pivot is the most important skill to have when the markets offer uncertainty instead of stability…

And a good idea – and one GorillaTrades subscribers are very familiar with – might be to swap your “investor” hat for a “trader” hat.

What I mean is that traders tend to do well in a volatile environment because they’re quick to identify pitfalls and opportunities before making their trades. The key is maximizing your profit by managing your positions in plays on which you can pivot quickly. Quick hits…

Get in, get out, protect your investment, do with your profits as you will.

It’s all in the mindset…

You can adapt this new way of thinking into your trading by shortening your time frames, tightening your stop-loss numbers, lowering price target windows, and by thinking a little contrarily.

Other than that, don’t trade with emotion – only go by data-driven analysis which will let you maximize your potential.

For some, this will be hard – as it’s going to take some discipline – but once you establish a trading protocol, it’ll feel like a comfortable pair of shoes.

That’s how we THRIVE during a turbulent market while others are just trying to survive.

It’s amazing that people lose sight of the opportunities because they simply focus on the negatives – but believe me when I say that EVERY financial situation can be turned into an advantage.

“Accentuate the positive… eliminate the negative.”

A little uncertainty isn’t the end of the world – but it can put money in your pocket if you know where to look…

Or, if you don’t know where to look – you can let GorillaTrades help you down the bumpy road with the best shock-absorber known to traders – hard data and real number-driven recommendations.

We make it easy for you…

Of course, you may want to pick your own way through the potholes – but just know were here for you.

Keep your head up, friends… there are opportunities abounding out there!

“Don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great. Weak men wait for opportunities; strong men make them.” – Orison Swett Marden