Has Tesla’s Wunderkind Lost His Shine? | From the Mind of the Gorilla

  There’s something about celebrity and fame that people tend to forget… And that’s the simple fact that you’re popular… until you aren’t. Sometimes… People just fall out of favor. As I think back to the biggest stars and celebrities of my youth – very few of them are in the spotlight today. Some have…


Economic Survival Tips: How to Protect Against Inflation

Inflation isn’t going away. Consumers continue to feel the pinch at both the gas station and the grocery store. According to the latest numbers, consumer spending increased by 0.6% from August to September 2022, but household income only grew by 0.4%. This increase means many Americans are dipping into their hard-earned savings to cover their…


The Difference Between Bull and Bear Markets and What They Mean for Your Portfolio

While investors commonly evaluate the performance of individual stocks, there’s also value in tracking the performance of the market as a whole. But if you’re new to the world of investing, terms like “bull” and “bear” markets can sound like something out of a children’s book. Here’s the difference between bull and bear markets and…


Like A Boy Scout… Be Prepared | From the Mind of the Gorilla

  Unfortunately, not all of our talks together are about sunshine and rainbows… The fact is, there hasn’t been a lot going on with the markets that have been worth tooting anybody’s horn about. Things are looking pretty bleak right now… For some. For others, what we’re looking at is one of the greatest wealth…


You Ask, I Answer | Learning to Apply Our Advice | Gorilla Trades

GorillaTrades’ Founder and CEO, Ken Berman, takes the time to personally address a subscriber’s question in this brief video. The Gorilla addresses a variety of topics, with the goal of providing GorillaTrades subscribers with a better understanding of the system, and ultimately, improving their overall returns. There are new features being added constantly, and this is just one…


Is The Future About Luxury? | From the Mind of the Gorilla

  What weird and wonderful times we live in. Wonderful, because we have the world at our fingertips – almost anything we could ever want – is just a few keystrokes away… Weird, because nothing seems to have an order anymore. It’s like the world is operating under barely controlled chaos – and only seems…


The Future of Investing: Dow Jones Predictions for 2023 and Beyond

Investors rely on a variety of predictions to make and monitor their investments. One key metric is the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), which is often used as a proxy for the movement of the market as a whole. What does the future hold for the Dow? Here’s what you need to know about this…


Combat the Economic Downturn: How to Protect Against Inflation

Have you been experiencing the pain of inflation? American consumers are finding it harder to stretch their dollars when filling their gas tank or purchasing a week’s worth of groceries. Inflation weakens the purchasing power of your hard-earned dollars, which is why it’s more important than ever to know how to protect against inflation. Here’s…


How The Big Boys Are Handling The Market | From the Mind of the Gorilla

  If I could sum up our current market in just one word… It would be “ugh.” We’ve had a rough September. Inflation – up… grocery prices – up… interest rates – up… volatility through the roof… Investors and traders are barely getting a chance to breathe. Yet… people are still making money hand over…
