It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over


The more things change…

The more they stay the same.

Say what you will about the markets…

While things may seem different with our current market – the fact is – there are certain trends that are inevitable.

The longest bull market in history was spurred on by growth in speculative tech companies…

Service not assets, right? Speculation not value.

We rode the wave…

And people made a lot of money.


Now that we find ourselves in the midst of a possible bear market – those winds have changed.

Value trumps speculation…

Assets are important – and there’s really only one class of stock that can not only  keep investors happy – but keep them flush with cash as well.

Are you in?

It’s funny – while this market is nothing like anything we’ve ever seen …

It’s oddly comforting to see that certain aspects of it are doing exactly what you expect them to.

Sure, tech is in the toilet…

But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t any money to be made in our current financial environment.

Yes, most  stocks have been decimated by recession talk, Fed rate hikes, and disappointing earnings in a year where we watched the S&P lose 20% of its value…

But one investment class kept things rolling on Wall Street.

As one would expect in a tough market…

Commodities exploded in 2022 –  as the war in Ukraine trashed supplies of energy and raw materials globally – forcing a demand greater than supply situation that pushed commodities to the moon.

Of course, this shouldn’t have surprised anybody…

This is what normally happens during a bear market.

While commodities such as wheat, corn, and precious metals did move the needle last year…

It was oil that truly made the markets go ‘round.

Of course, this doesn’t look good for those looking to push green stocks as the next big thing…

Many of these investors were hoping for the demise of oil – believing that it’s time to move forward toward cleaner fuel sources – and put money in their pocket as well.

However, while renewables may be the future…

They’re certainly NOT the present.

Oil’s resurgence proved what many already knew…

And that’s the fact that you can’t dictate progress by law or decree.

The free market tells us when an innovation is ready for mass consumption…

And while the popularity of EV’s such as the fare from Tesla (TSLA) may have raised hopes that green energy was “ready” – the fact is – we’re nowhere close to that point.

Sure, I believe (and hope) we’ll get their one day – nobody wants to continually pollute our environment…

However, it’s clear now that day is further off that many in the mainstream media and in the renewable industry – thought it was.

Crude is still king…

And in the current market environment – it seems it’s polishing up its crown.

Even more…

It doesn’t look like that fact is going to change in 2023 either.

Meaning that if you’re going to wade out into the Wall Street waters on your own – without the aid of an advisor’s life vest…

You may want to keep your eye on oil.

Of course, if oil isn’t your thing and you’re unsure of where you should put your money to work for you…

GorillaTrades can help.

Our stock recommendation service doesn’t use speculation or rumor to churn out picks…

Our proprietary system uses only data and hard numbers to find winning trades – and our reputation as one of the leading service on the web is proof that this strategy works.

Why guess when you can open an email that has a potential double-digit winner in it – with the research to back it up?

If you’re tired of losing – you may want to give GorillaTrades a go.

Either way – keep your sights set on oil…

It could get even bigger in 2023.


“Oil is like a wild animal. Whoever captures it has it.” – J. Paul Getty