Jobs, Jobs, Jobs | March 8th 2015

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending March 8th, 2015 (Jobs, Jobs, Jobs 03-08-2015) Wait a minute. The bulls were looking for a strong jobs report in order to validate February’s big run up in equity prices, and that was exactly what we got. Friday’s government jobs report showed that an impressive…


This February Was One to Remember | March 1st 2015

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending March 1st, 2015 (This February Was One to Remember 03-01-2015) January closed out with monthly losses for the major indices, and with the old adage, “As January Goes…,” the thought was that February would prove just as challenging. After all, there was the Greek Crisis, tensions…


Stock Market Impresses the Pessimists | February 21st 2015

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending February 21st, 2015 (Stock Market Impresses the Pessimists 02-21-2015) It was one of those weeks where a lot of things could have gone wrong, but somehow, some way, many of the “wild cards” remained calm and cool, and nothing actually went wrong. The big positive…


Investors Hold Tight to Last Year’s Gains | February 8th 2014

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending February 8th, 2015 (January Closes With Unhappy Investors 02-08-2015) Hopes were high for a strong finish to what actually turned out to be a pretty good week for the stock market. While we were higher in midday action on Friday, some late-afternoon selling kicked in and…


January Closes With Unhappy Investors | January 31st 2015

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending January 31st, 2015 (January Closes With Unhappy Investors 01-31-2015) Bulls had been hoping for a positive close on Friday that would have finished out January trading with a win, but that was not in the cards. The lackluster fourth-quarter GDP number showing 2.6% versus the…


Stocks Zig and Zag | January 25th 2014

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending January 25th, 2015 (Stocks Zig and Zag 01-25-2015) Bulls were looking for a strong Friday to close out what had been a fairly upbeat week, but that was not to be the case. Stocks zigged and zagged early in the session Friday right around the…


Consumer Sentiment at 11-Year High | January 17th 2015

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending January 17th, 2015 (Consumer Sentiment at 11-Year High 01-17-2015) The three major stock market indices saw some brief, early downside on Friday morning, but they managed to reverse and close out the day with a much-needed win. The January Consumer Sentiment report led the stock market…


Jobs Climb, Stocks Slide | January 11th 2015

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending January 11th, 2015 (Jobs Climb, Stocks Slide 01-11-2015) Bulls were looking for good economic news and a strong finish to what was a very tough week, and all that they got was one of the two. The government’s employment report showed 252,000 newly created jobs in…


Oil Remains on Radar in New Year | January 4th 2015

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending January 4th, 2015 (Oil Remains on Radar in New Year 01-04-2015) In a light-volume and uneventful Friday, the stock market kicked off 2015 with a mixed and mellow performance that left the Dow slightly higher and the Nasdaq and the S&P 500 lower. It was a quiet day…
