We TOLD You! The Bull Isn’t OVER! | From the Mind of the Gorilla

  We told you. When the majority of the experts on the boob tube were screaming “recession” like Chicken Little after the proverbial acorn hit her head… We told you that it wasn’t done and the market proved that recently with surges that made a lot of people look, for lack of a better word,…


You Ask, I Answer | Number of Stock Held in a Portfolio | Gorilla Trades

GorillaTrades’ Founder and CEO, Ken Berman, takes the time to personally address a subscriber’s question in this brief video. The Gorilla addresses a variety of topics, with the goal of providing GorillaTrades subscribers with a better understanding of the system, and ultimately, improving their overall returns. There are new features being added constantly, and this is just one of…


The Stock Market Goes Wild | State of the Stock Market

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending on October 13th, 2019 (The Stock Market Goes Wild | State of the Stock Market 10-13-19) Stocks, together with Treasuries and currencies, had another wild week, as the Brexit saga and the trade talks between the U.S. and China provided plenty of contradicting headlines. The…


Information Gridlock | From the Mind of the Gorilla

  Have you ever noticed that whenever somebody gets something for free, they have a tendency to take that gift for granted? This is something most of us are guilty of, myself included… But there’s something about “free stuff” that tends to bring out the worst in people. Think about how that brat neighbor kid…


You Ask, I Answer | Day-Trading or Short-Term Swing Trades? | From the Mind of the Gorilla

GorillaTrades’ Founder and CEO, Ken Berman, takes the time to personally address a subscriber’s question in this brief video. The Gorilla addresses a variety of topics, with the goal of providing GorillaTrades subscribers with a better understanding of the system, and ultimately, improving their overall returns. There are new features being added constantly, and this is just one of…


October Lives Up to Its Reputation | State of the Stock Market

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending on October 6th, 2019 (October Lives Up to Its Reputation | State of the Stock Market 10-06-19) After just one week, October has already lived up to its reputation of being the most volatile month of the year, as the deterioration in the key sectors…


Is The Current Economy Bullet Proof? | From the Mind of the Gorilla

  For the past year or so, economic experts have been threatening American investors with the “R” word… Now, it’s mostly “TV experts” who may have less to lose than people who actually earn a living making others money – but they’ve been talking about it non-stop nonetheless. The question is… Why? Is it because…


What You Can Expect from Gorilla Trades

With the number of stock-picking services in the market finding the right one for you can be a challenge, especially if you’re a rookie. With Gorilla Trades’ excellent track record and with over 20 years of experience, you know that you’re in good hands once you sign-up with them and see the results for yourself!…


Investment Strategies for Beginners

Most people think that saving their hard-earned money is a lot safer than investing it. They forget to consider the fact that inflation is real and its impact on their savings is far from being positive. If you don’t want to lose your money’s value or let your savings stay static over time, you’ll need…


You Ask, I Answer | Recommended Approach to the Weekly Strongest List | Gorilla Trades

GorillaTrades’ Founder and CEO, Ken Berman, takes the time to personally address a subscriber’s question in this brief video. The Gorilla addresses a variety of topics, with the goal of providing GorillaTrades subscribers with a better understanding of the system, and ultimately, improving their overall returns. There are new features being added constantly, and this is just one of…
