
Investing 101: Tips for Learning Stocks

For some, stocks represent a lifelong journey toward retiring poolside. For others, day trading offers the siren song of an explosive income. No matter what your particular goals are, you’ll need to start learning stocks so you can make the most well-informed decision. Below are some tips and guidelines to help get you started. Learning…


The Return of #2 | From the Mind of the Gorilla

  You know who #2 is, right? No, we’re not talking about Robert Wagner in Austin Powers… Though, I sort of wish we were. No, we’re talking about the second biggest economy in the world… China. After YEARS of a strict ZERO Covid policy… The government decided it had enough and started reopening the country…


Before You Buy: Understanding the Pros and Cons of Investing in Stocks

According to a 2022 poll, nearly half (45%) of all Americans regret not investing in the stock market. If you’re one of the many feeling some financial FOMO – “fear of missing out” — it may be time to start investing, but before you start tossing money into the market, you may want to weigh…


When Bad News… Is GOOD News | From the Mind of the Gorilla

    As the market seems to finally be waking back up – especially in the tech sector… It seems like a lot of things are getting back to normal. That said… We’re still not completely OUT of the woods yet. As we transition back to a bull (well, at least bull-ISH market) – there…


Warning Bells: What Are Signs of a Recession?

Could America be headed into another recession? In a 2023 survey from the National Association of Business Economics (NABE), 58% of economic experts predict a recession in the coming year. But even those who anticipate a recession are uncertain as to when it may occur. One-third (33%) of respondents predict a recession in the April-June…


Is Tech REALLY Back?! | From the Mind of the Gorilla

  Have you been watching the tech sector lately? I’m sure you have… But, for those that have been living under a rock as of late, the tech industry is – as they used to say on ESPN – en fuego. For my non-Spanish speaking readers – that means “on fire.” Tech has seen an…


Can I Predict the Future? A Beginner’s Guide to Stocks Trend Analysis

To predict the stock market’s future performance, you’ll either need to get a crystal ball or brush up on your stocks trend analysis. It may sound technical, but trend analysis can help you forecast the long-term performance of a given stock, which is crucial for making investment decisions. Consider this your quick-start guide to trend…


Investing Mechanics: How Does the Stock Market Work?

Companies that go public are listed on one of the major U.S. stock exchanges. For investors, that presents an opportunity to invest in these budding businesses and see their money grow, and many companies themselves rely on investors to provide an influx of cash. With that being said, though, how does the stock market (and…


Uber in the Driver’s Seat | From the Mind of the Gorilla

  Man… Are we BACK? A lot of the “experts” say that the bear market in tech may be over… That we’re going to have a soft landing and we may not get a REAL recession… I hope they’re right. While I may not be putting all of our Gorilla eggs in one basket… The…


Night of the Living Tech | From the Mind of the Gorilla

  For a year now – tech has gotten shellacked in stock market… Eviscerated. The woes of this industry were one of the driving factors behind the more than $9 trillion lost in the markets during 2022. That said… We expected there to be a lag between them hitting bottom – and starting to crawl…
