How The Big Boys Are Handling The Market | From the Mind of the Gorilla

  If I could sum up our current market in just one word… It would be “ugh.” We’ve had a rough September. Inflation – up… grocery prices – up… interest rates – up… volatility through the roof… Investors and traders are barely getting a chance to breathe. Yet… people are still making money hand over…


Feet On The Ground – Head In The Cloud | From the Mind of the Gorilla

  Computers… After spending the first part of my life without them – it’s hard even imagining not having them in our lives at this point. The smartphone you’re most likely reading this on has more computing power than our first missions to the moon… That’s a testament to technological advancement. Smaller and more powerful……


The Top 14 Stock Market Rules for Pros and New Investors

What’s the difference between investing and gambling? Gambling relies on chance alone while investing demands that you follow the stock market rules and make every decision after careful planning. Warren Buffet, for example, always insisted on two simple stock rules: Rule 1: Never lose money. Rule 2: Don’t forget rule 1. Of course, there’s more…


How to Invest in a Secular Bull Market

Investors keep track of individual stocks, but it’s also important to keep an eye on the market as a whole. “Bull” and “bear” markets refer to the way the market tends to rise and fall over the course of time. But what is a “secular bull” market? And can we expect the market to act…


If Buffett Likes A Stock… Should You? | From the Mind of the Gorilla

Even people who have never invested a dime in the stock market know who Warren Buffett is. As one of the most prolific stock traders on the planet… It’s easy to see how he’s gained fame – he’s been one of America’s most predominate billionaires for decades. He’s been trading stocks since childhood… And his…


IPO Investing: How to Get in on the Ground Floor

Being the first has its advantages. When you pursue initial public offering (IPO) investing, you get the advantage of grabbing stock when the company first debuts, which lets you “get in on the ground floor,” so to speak. But are IPOs a good investment? The answer, of course, is that it depends on the company…


The End of an American Icon | From the Mind of the Gorilla

  Man, the 80’s were great, weren’t they? In my opinion, I think that decade was the peak of our civilization. If you were born in the 60’s or after – it was an incredible time to be alive… So many amazing things came out of those times – music, movies, innovations – it was…


Getting in on the Ground Floor: Top IPOs to Watch in 2022

Admittedly, 2022 hasn’t been the best year when it comes to American businesses. But investors looking for profitable upcoming IPOs are in luck because there are several companies poised to make their debut on U.S. stock exchanges. If you’re looking for some potential investments, you might consider one or more of these new IPOs in…


Two Bright Spots In Tech | From the Mind of the Gorilla

  It hasn’t been a good year for tech, has it? The industry has gotten hammered… Which is understandable – during market downturns – investors tend to turn away from speculation and hunker down with companies with solid products they can trust. So, a lot of companies in the tech industry have taken a beating…
