Will There Be Coronavirus Millionaires? | From the Mind of the Gorilla

With the country in the grips of this global pandemic – there seems to be more questions than answers to a lot of the issues surrounding the coronavirus and it’s impact on the nation. How long will the shutdown last? How many people will get it? How many people will die? Will our economy recover?…


What’s in Store for US Market? | State of the Stock Market

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending on April 5, 2020 (What’s in Store for US Market? |State of the Stock Market 4-5-20 While volatility declined significantly on Wall Street compared to the second half of March this week, the major indices failed to extend their bounce, all finishing lower on a…


The Big Bad Bear At Our Door | From the Mind of the Gorilla

  How are your survival instincts? No, I’m not talking about finances… I’m talking actual survival – as in – you and your family go on a friendly hike into the woods while on vacation and you get lost, or worse, you get confronted by a gigantic bear looking for food. Would you know what…


Global Lockdowns Shake the Market | State of the Stock Market

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending on March 29, 2020 (Global Lockdowns Shake the Market | State of the Stock Market 3-29-20 Following one of the worst week’s for stocks in history, bulls staged an epic comeback this week, with the Dow gaining over 16% in three days. Despite the rally,…


Don’t Be A “Chump” Investor! | From the Mind of the Gorilla

Do you know what most investors around the world are saying as they’re watching the market’s rollercoaster ride down into Bearsville? “Ugh… there’s no WAY I’m going to buy stocks now just to lose money. If I want to throw money away – I’ll buy a boat!” And it’s easy to see how this would…


Another Historic Week for Stock Market | State of the Stock Market

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending on March 22, 2020 (Another Historic Week for Stock Market | State of the Stock Market 3-22-20 Financial markets had another historic week globally, and the U.S. stock market was not an exception. It would be very hard to mention all the records that have…


Tips from Ken Berman on Researching Stocks

One of the basic, but no less important rules of stock picking is researching stocks before you choose to invest in them. Part of smart investing is knowing what your paying for, which is why the GorillaTrades stock investing system doesn’t just tell you what to buy and when. It also helps you build and…


A Wild Week on Wall Street | State of the Stock Market

State of the Stock Market Analysis for the Week Ending on March 15, 2020 (A Wild Week on Wall Street | State of the Stock Market 3-15-20 Last week was already among the most volatile ones of the new millennia, but this week, investors had to endure even wilder swings, with Thursday’s session breaking a…


Top 3 Regrets of Retirees | From the Mind of the Gorilla

Ahhh, the Golden Years… Most people have a vision of the kind of life they want to live when they’re done working and want to ease into a life of relaxation and leisure. It’s the second part of the American dream that most people don’t really talk about. That said… There is a common problem…
