You Ask, I Answer | The Right Way to Use the Weekly Strongest List | Gorilla Trades

GorillaTrades’ Founder and CEO, Ken Berman, takes the time to personally address a subscriber’s question in this brief video. The Gorilla addresses a variety of topics, with the goal of providing GorillaTrades subscribers with a better understanding of the system, and ultimately, improving their overall returns. There are new features being added constantly, and this is just one of…


Investing in 2023: The Best Stocks to Buy Now

How do you spell “opportunity”? For some investors, it’s spelled “B-E-A-R.” A bear market is no time for your investment goals to hibernate. While the past year has brought its share of turbulence, the coming one hints at grand possibilities — for the right investor. What are the best stocks to buy now? Here are…


Are We Out Of The Woods? | From the Mind of the Gorilla

  Let’s see… How do I put this delicately? 2022… SUCKED! Inflation, rate hikes, war in Ukraine, elections… Last year was a dumpster fire – to put it mildly – and all that chaos wreaked havoc on the markets. Volatility did its damage… And we watched – helplessly – as over $9 trillion was wiped…


Knowledge Is Power: The Best Investing Newsletters of 2023

True or false: the best investment decisions are made on pure instinct. Hopefully, you know that’s false. Investing is a calculated risk. While there’s nothing wrong with following a gut feeling now and then, wise decisions can only be made after careful analysis and research. An investments newsletter can help. If you’re not sure where…


The More Things Change… | From the Mind of the Gorilla

  The more things change… The more they stay the same. Say what you will about the markets… While things may seem different with our current market – the fact is – there are certain trends that are inevitable. The longest bull market in history was spurred on by growth in speculative tech companies… Service…


China Changes Course | From the Mind of the Gorilla

  Being a Chinese government official must be tough right about now. While just a few weeks ago – the CCP was embracing a zero-tolerance COVID-19 protocol… Economic woes are forcing them to take a different stance. China has become the world’s factory… There are very few global corporations that don’t have something produced, serviced…


Elon No Longer Number One | From the Mind of the Gorilla

  How bad is the economy really? Is it so bad that people should be worrying about hoarding food? Or… is it just bad enough that consumers are forced to tighten purse strings a little to get us through until the next bull market? Maybe instead of eating out three nights a week… It might…


China’s Surprising Pivot | From the Mind of the Gorilla

  If you know anything about the Chinese government… You know how secretive they are. They keep a tight leash on any and all information that comes out… Be that political unrest, pandemic practices or financial standing. Truth isn’t their focus… Making China look like the premier superpower is. Not that any other country is…
